

黄岁樑 男,1964年9月出生。湖南大通湖人。
工作单位:水环境数值模拟研究室 bat·365在线登录入口网页版 南开大学 天津
职称:教授 / 博士生导师
电 话:13752342669
电子邮件:slhuang@nankai.edu.cn; slhuang_china@aliyun.com


1980-1984年: 武汉水利电力学院(武汉大学) 河流力学及治河工程专业工学学士
1984-1987年: 武汉水利电力学院(武汉大学) 水力学及河流动力学专业工学硕士
1991-1994年: 中国水利水电科学研究院(灾害与环境评价研究中心)水力学及河流动力学专业工学博士


1980-1984年: 武汉水利电力学院(武汉大学) 河流力学及治河工程专业工学学士
1984-1987年: 武汉水利电力学院(武汉大学) 水力学及河流动力学专业工学硕士
1987-1991年: 湖南省航务工程设计研究院工程师
1991-1994年: 中国水利水电科学研究院(灾害与环境评价研究中心)水力学及河流动力学专业工学博士
1994-1996年: 清华大学水利水电工程系博士后科研流动站博士后
1996-2003年: 北京师范大学环境科学研究所副教授
    1)  1997-1999年: 香港理工大学土木工程系助理研究员、副研究员
    2)  1999-2000年: 法国巴士路易德大学流体力学研究所博士后研究员(法国教育、研究与技术部资助 (科学研究方向))
    3)  2001-2003年: 美国密西西比大学国家计算水科学与工程中心研究科学家
    1)  2004年5月-2004年10月:香港大学工学院机械系资深副研究员
    2)  2006年9月-2006年12月:美国密西西比大学国家计算水科学与工程中心高级访问学者(天津市政府资助
    3)  2007年8月-2008年5月:美国密西西比大学国家计算水科学与工程中心访问研究科学家
    4)  2011年6月-2011年8月:美国爱荷华大学爱荷华水力研究所高级访问学者(天津市政府资助
    5)  2012年4月:英国索尔福特大学计算、科学与工程学院,英国皇家协会访问学者
    6)  2014年6月-2014年7月:波兰格但斯克工业大学“2020欧洲关键领域”高级学习中心“博士研究生多学科交叉课程开发”访问教授
    7)  2016年8月-9月:波兰格但斯克工业大学土木与环境工程学院(中波科技部联合资助)
    8)  2014年9月-2015年2月:美国明尼苏达大学圣人安东尼瀑布实验室(Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory)高级研究学者(国家留学基金委资助) 
    9)  2017年2月:波兰格但斯克工业大学土木与环境工程学院(中波科技部联合资助)

1.  研究生必修课讲授“数值分析及科学计算”(环境工程、环境管理与经济、安全工程、环境科学;前面两个专业必修课)
2.  研究生选修课“计算环境流体力学基础”(双语教学)
3.  环境工程专业本科生必修课“工程流体力学”(教材:Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Edited by J. A. R. and C. T. C., 1975, Printed in U. S. A. )(双语教学);
4.  研究生必修课“计算环境流体力学—有限体积法”(教材:An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics – The Finite Volume Method, edited by H. K. Versteeg and W. Malalasekera, 1995, Longman Group Ltd.)(双语教学) 


国际水利与工程研究协会个人会员、中国水利学会环境水力学专业委员会委员、《Journal of Hydrodynamics》、《环境污染与防治》、《灾害学》、《水利水电科技进展》等编委。近三十个英文国际期刊审稿人


1. 国家自然科学基金委员会与德国科学基金会(DFG)合作项目,“大型水库变温层极小溶氧区形成机理及预测模型研究”,南开主持人
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会与地球可持续发展全球框架计划合作项目(中英日),“实现国家和地方可持续发展目标的流域尺度示范研究”,中方主持人
3. 2019年教育部港澳与内地大中小学师生交流计划---大学生项目,“富营养化、赤潮和渔业管理项目”
4. 天津市重点研发计划科技支撑重点项目“城市洪水及其伴随的水环境影响的数值模拟技术”
5. 科技部《中国与波兰科技合作委员会第37届例会交流项目》“洪泛地区地表水地下水耦合的数值模拟(37-14)”
6. 国家自然科学基金项目“基于物理化学过程和生态毒理机制的地表水化学品泄漏计算工具研究”
7. 海河流域水环境监测中心“滦河上游突发性水污染风险等级图绘制”
8. 星际空间(天津)科技发展有限公司“天津市公共服务配套设施指数研究”
9. 天津市自然科学基金“人工湿地植物去污过程及植物生长无损监测技术研究”
10. 科技部《中国与波兰科技合作委员会第36届例会交流项目》“湿地和城市地区地表水和地下水耦合的数值模拟(36-26)”
11. 国家自然科学基金“弯曲明渠流离散效应及改进的水流和物质输移平面二维数值模拟”
12. 国家水专项“海河流域北运河水系水环境实时管理决策支持系统研究与示范”子课题“一维、二维耦合水环境模型”
13. 国家水专项“空港物流加工区高盐再生水景观河道构建技术与工程示范”子课题“河道生态构建技术、生态岸边缓冲带构建技术和入水控盐技术”
14. 天津市科技支撑计划重点项目“天津市水安全计算工具”
15. 中国水利水电科学研究院开放基金“平面二维数值模拟模型和三维模型的比较研究”。
16. 水利部公益性行业科研专项子课题“蓝藻生长动力学模型研究”
17. 美国国土安全部项目“有毒化学品水环境迁移转化和生态毒理学数值模拟”
18. 英国皇家协会“城区下水道系统宽尺寸模拟”
19. 水利部现代水利科技创新项目“海河流域平原河道修复模式研究”
20. 南开大学“985工程”循环经济哲学社会科学创新基地,“基于循环经济理论的天津市水资源仿真系统研究”
21. 天津市水利科学研究院,“植物、填料效果实验及潜流湿地水质净化模型研究”
22. 天津市社会发展科技计划重点项目,海河生态建设关键技术专项“海河底泥清淤优化方案研究”
23. 国家自然科学基金“基于物理过程的重金属污染物迁移转化和归宿数值模拟
24. 留学回国人员科研启动基金“天然水体水流、泥沙和重金属污染物动态实验及联合数值模拟”
25. 天津市水利科学研究院“天津北塘水库水质数值模拟研究”
26. 天津市水利科学研究院“水工建筑物沉降预测模型研究”
27. 黄河水利委员会“《黄河下游基于GIS平面二维水沙数学模型》网格生成软件系统”


1.Yao Xiao, Suiliang Huang, Jianguo Zhou, Fanqing Kong, Mingzhe Liu and Ying Li (2018), Risk Assessment of Upper-Middle Reaches of Luanhe River Basin in Sudden Water Pollution Incidents Based on Control Units of Water Function Areas, Water, 10(9), 1268-1287.
2.Ying Li, Sui-Liang Huang and Joseph Domagalski (2018), Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Water and Sediment Yield in the Luanhe River Basin, China, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 84, 149-162.
3.Li Y., Huang S. L. Landscape Ecological Risk Response to Land Use Change in the Luanhe River Basin, China. Sustainability, 2015.7(12):16631-16652.
4.Wang Jun, Huang Suiliang, Chiu On Ng (2012), Iterative method on well bore boundary in numerical modeling of variably saturated flow, Trans. Tianjin Uni., 18: 104-111.
5.Wang Jun, Huang Sui-liang, Ng Chiu-on (2011), Numerical Analysis of the Performance of Horizontal and Wavy Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol.23, No.3, pp.339~347.
6.S. L. Huang (2010), Equations and Their Physical Interpretation in Numerical Modeling of Heavy Metals in Fluvial Rivers, Series E Technological Science, Science in China, Vol.53, No.2, pp.548-557.
7.Suiliang Huang, Yafei Jia, Hsun-Chuan Chan and Sam S. Y. Wang (2009), Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Secondary Flow in a Wide Curved Channel, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol.21, No.6, pp.758-766 .
8.S. L. Huang (2009), Two-dimensional Numerical Modeling of Chemical Transport-transformation in Fluvial Rivers: Formulation of equations and physical interpretation, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol.11, No.2, pp106-118.
9.S. L. Huang, Y. F. Jia and Sam S. Y. Wang (2009), Two-Dimensional numerical, Eco-toxicological modeling of Chemical Spills, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, Vol.3, No.2, pp.178-185.
10.Sui Liang Huang, Zhao Hui Wan, Paul Smitth (2007), Numerical simulation of heavy metal pollutant transport-transformation in fluvial rivers, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol.45, No.4, pp451~461.
11.Sui Liang Huang (2007), Effects of Using Different Sediment Transport Formulae and Methods of Computing Manning’s Roughness Coefficient on Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol.45, No.3, pp.347~356.
12.S. L. Huang and C. O. Ng (2007), Hydraulics of submerged weirs and availability in navigational channels: Basic flow structure, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 69: pp.2264~2278.
13.Sui Liang Huang, Zhao Hui Wan, Paul Smitth (2007), Numerical simulation of heavy metal pollutant transport-transformation in fluvial rivers, A review, International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol.22, No.1, pp.16~26.
14.Sui Liang Huang, Ya Fei Jia, Sam S. Y. Wang (2006),Numerical Modeling of Suspended Sediment Transport in Channel Bends, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, No.4, pp.37-43.
15.Tong Li, Sui Liang Huang, and Chao Hong Zhou (2005), Land Subsidence Prediction By Various Grey Models, Journal of Environmental Informatics, Volume (2005), p.403-410 (Correspondent author).
16.Yafei Jia, Steve Scott, Yichun Xu, Suiliang Huang, and Sam S. Y. Wang (2005), Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Flows around a Submerged Weir in a Channel Bendway, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol.131, No.8, pp.682-693.
17.Sui Liang Huang (2001), Cadmium adsorption by sediment in a turbulence tank, Wat. Res., Vol.35, No.11, pp.2635-2644.
1.Wenwen Kong, Suiliang Huang, Feifei Shi, Jianguo Zhou, Yibei Feng, Yao Xiao, Study on Microcystis aeruginosa growth in incubator experiments by combination of Logistic and Monod functions, Algal Research, xxx (2018) xxx-xxx, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2018.10.005.
2.Suiliang Huang, Wenwen Kong, Zhenjiang Yang, Hui Yu, Fengyuan Li (2018), Combination of Logistic and modified Monod functions to study Microcystis aeruginosa growth stimulated by fish feed, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, xxx (2018) xxx-xxx, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.09.119.
3. Huang S. L., Wu M., Zang C. J., Du S. L., Domagalski J., Gajewska M., Gao F., Lin C., Guo Y., Liu B. Y., Wang S. M., Luo Y., Szymkiewicz A., Szymkiewicz R. (2016) Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing big head carp and common carp: Phosphorus dynamics. International Journal of Sediment Research, 31:173 - 180.
4.Hao Yan, Suiliang Huang, Miklas Scholz (2015), Kinetic Processes of Acute Atrazine Toxicity to Brachydanio rerio in the Presence and Absence of Suspended Sediments, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 226: 66-78.
5.Sheng-lan Du, Sui-liang Huang, Hong-chuan Pan, Chang-juan Zang, Min Wu, Chao Lin, Yong Guo, Feng Gao, Miklas Scholz (2014), Monitoring Algal Bloom through Relationships between Chlorophyll A and Phytoplankton, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.13, No.4: 805-815.
6.Man-Man Li, Hong-Chuan Pan, Sui-Liang Huang, Miklas Scholz (2013), Controlled Experimental Study on Removing Diesel Oil Spillages Using Agricultural Waste Products, Chemical Engineering and Technologyy, 36 (4), 673-680.
7.Min Wu, Suiliang Huang, Changjuan Zang, Shenglan Du & Miklas Scholz (2012)Release of Nutrient from Fish Food and Effect on Microcystis aeruginosa Growth, Aquaculture Research,43(10):1460 - 1470.
8.Xiao Liu, Suiliang Huang, Tingfangzi Tang, Xuegong Liu and Miklas Scholz (2012), Growth characteristics and nutrient removal capability of plants in subsurface vertical constructed wetlands, Ecological Engineering, 44: 189-198.
9.Min Wu, Xueming Sun, Suiliang Huang, Xianqiang Tang, Miklas Scholz (2012), Laboratory analyses of nutrient release processes from Haihe River sediment. International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol.27, No.1: 61-72.
10.Min Wu, Suiliang Huang, Wei Wen, Xueming Sun, Xianqiang Tang, Miklas Scholz (2011),Nutrient distribution within and release from the contaminated sediment of the Haihe River, Journal of Environmental sciences, Vol. 23, No.7: 1086 ~ 1094.
11.Jin Zhong Li, Xue Ju Li, Shu Juan Sun, Xue Gong Liu, Sui Liang Huang (2011), Restoration of Hyper-eutrophic Water with a Modularized and Air Adjustable Constructed Submerged Plant Bed, Frontiers of Chinese, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 5(4): 573~584.
12.Changjuan Zang, Suiliang Huang, Min Wu , Shenglan Du , Miklas Scholz , Feng Gao , Chao Lin , Yong Guo , Yu Dong (2011). Comparison of relationships between pH, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a for aquaculture and nonaquaculture waters. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Vol. 219, No.1: 157 ~ 174.
13.Xu X., Huang S. L., Scholz M. and Dong Y. (2011), Review: Remediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. Vol.6, No.003: 1-9.
14.Xianqiang Tang, Suiliang Huang, Miklas Scholz and Jinzhong Li (2011), Nutrient Removal in Vertical Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Eutrophic River Water. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry,91(7&8): 727-739.
 15.    Lu Han, Suiliang Huang, C. D. Stanley, T. Z. Osborne (2011), Phosphorus Fractionation in Core Sediments from Haihe River Mainstream, China. Soil and Sediment Contamination:An International Journal, 1549-7887, Volume 20, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 30 – 53.
16.Wang W., Tang X. Q., Huang S. L., Zhang S. H. , Lin C., Liu D. W., Che H. J., Yang Q. and Scholz M. (2010), Ecological Restoration of Polluted Plain Rivers within the Haihe River Basin in China. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Vol.211, Issue 1, pp341-357.
17.Tang X. Q., Scholz M., Eke P. E. and Huang S. L. (2010), Nutrient removal as a function of benzene supply within vertical-flow constructed wetlands. Environmental Technology, Vol.31, No.6, pp681-691.
18.S. J. Sun, S. L. Huang, X. M. Sun and W. Wen (2009), Phosphorus fractions and its release in the sediments of Haihe River, China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.21, No.3, pp291-295.
19.Tang X. Q., Huang S. L., Scholz M. (2008), Nutrient removal in wetlands during intermittent artificial aeration, Environmental Engineering Science, 25: pp.1279-1290.
20.Tang X. Q., Eke P. E., Scholz M, Huang S. L. (2009), Processes impacting on benzene removal in vertical-flow constructed wetlands, Bioresource Technology, 100: pp.227-234.
21.Tang X. Q., Huang S. L., Scholz M, Li J. Z. (2009), Nutrient removal in pilot-scale constructed wetlands treating eutrophic river water: assessment of plants, intermittent artificial aeration and polyhedron hollow polypropylene balls, Water Air &Soil Pollution, 197: pp.61-73.
22.Tang X. Q., Eke P. E., Scholz M, Huang S. L. (2009), Seasonal variability in benzene removal by planted vertical-flow constructed wetlands, Water Air &Soil Pollution, 202: 259-272.
23.Tang X. Q., Huang S. L., Scholz M. (2009), Comparison of phosphorus removal between vertical sub–surface flow constructed wetlands with different substrates, Water and Environment Journal, 23: pp.180-188.
24.Tang X. Q., Huang S. L., Ng C. O., Li J. Z. (2009), Enhancement of nitrogen and phosphorus removal in pilot-scale vertical subsurface flow (VSSF) constructed wetlands by using polypropylene pellets as part of the substrate, Environmental Engineering Science, 26(3): 621-630.
25.Sui Liang Huang, C. O. Ng and Q. Z. Guo (2007), Experimental investigation of the effect of flow turbulence and sediment transport patterns on the adsorption of cadmium ions onto sediment particles, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.19, No.6, pp.696~703.
26.Sui Liang HUANG and Onyx W. H. Wai (2004), A review of heavy metal pollution in the Pearl River estuary, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B, Vol.16, No.4, pp.367-378.
27.Sui Liang Huang (2003), Adsorption of cadmium ions onto the Yellow River sediments, Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, Vol.38, No.2. pp413~432.
28.Sui Liang Huang (2003), Investigation of cadmium desorption from different sized sediments, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol.129, No.3. ASCE. pp241~247.
1.Suiliang Huang, Yafei Jia, Guanghai Gao, Qiuwen Chen, Sam S. Y. Wang. Numerical Comparison of Three- and Two-dimensional Model for Modeling Meandering Channel Flow, A10070 of Volume 1, Proceedings of 35th IAHR World Congress, 2013, Chengdu, China.
2.Changjuan Zang, Suiliang Huang, Dongmei Wang, Domagalski Joseph, Min Wu, Shenglan Du, Feng Gao, Chao Lin, Yong Guo and Yang Luo. Effect of fish aquaculture and feeding on phytoplankton and water quality in Panjiakou Reservoir enclosures, A10016 of Volume 4, Proceedings of 35th IAHR World Congress, 2013, Chengdu, China.
3.Manman Li, Suiliang Huang, Jianguo Zhou, Wenwen Kong. Experimental study on removing spilled surface oil using eco-friendly corn stalk, A10016 of Volume 4, Proceedings of 35th IAHR World Congress, 2013, Chengdu, China.
4.Yizhen Wang, Suiliang Huang, Chiuon Ng, Yang Luo, Chao Lin, Wei Xu, Jun Zhang. Acute Toxicity of NaPCP on Carassius auratus under Unsteady Exposure II: with Suspended Particles, A10069 of Volume 4, Proceedings of 35th IAHR World Congress, 2013, Chengdu, China.
5.Yizhen Wang, Suiliang Huang, Chiuon Ng, Yang Luo, Chao Lin, Wei Xu, Jun Zhang. Acute Toxicity of NaPCP on Carassius auratus under Unsteady Exposure I: without Suspended Particles, A10068 of Volume 4, Proceedings of 35th IAHR World Congress, 2013, Chengdu, China.
6.Xiao Liu,Yang Luo, Tingfangzi Tang, Suiliang Huang (2011). Growth, nitrogen and phosphorous accumulation of two species of plants in constructed wetlands. Proceedings of The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2011), Wuhan, China:
7.Xiao Liu,Yang Luo, Tingfangzi Tang, Suiliang Huang (2011). Image Processing based Non-destructive Method for Measuring Growth of Constructed Wetland Plants. Proceedings of The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2011), Wuhan, China:
8.Wang jun, Huang Suiliang, HE Cheng-da, Chiu-on Ng, Development and Validation of a Numerical Model of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands, 2010 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science (ICECS 2010), Kunmin, China. Volume 4: 119-123(EI)
9.Wang jun, Huang Suiliang, Luo Yang, Chiu-on Ng (2010). Development and convergence criteria evaluation of a water flow model in variably saturated porous media[C]. 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC 2010, Tianjin, China: 222-229.
10.Wang jun, Huang Suiliang, Luo Yang, Chiu-on Ng (2010). Comparison of horizontal and wavy subsurface flow constructed wetlands by numerical modeling[C]. 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC 2010, Tianjin, China: 230-238.
11.Sui Liang Huang (2008), Formulation of Equations and Their Physical Interpretations in Numerical Modeling of Heavy Metal Pollutants in Fluvial Rivers, The Second International Symposium on Shallow Flows, December 10-12, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (CD-ROM: A0017-Huang).
12.Sui Liang Huang, Ya Fei Jia, Hsun-Chuan Chan, Sam S. Y. Wang (2008), 3D Numerical Modeling of Secondary Flow Patterns in a Wide Curved Channel by Two Turbulence Closure Models, The Second International Symposium on Shallow Flows, December 10-12, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (CD-ROM: A0018-Huang).

13.Suiliang Huang (2008), Two-dimensional Numerical,Ecotoxicological Modeling of Chemical Spills, Proceedings of The 16th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division and 3rd IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Oct. 20-23, 2008, Hohai University Nanjing, China, pp.744-749.
14.Shujuan Sun, Suiliang Huang, Paul Smith (2008), Experimental Investigation of Phosphorus Release from Haihe River Sediments Capped by Natural Zeolites and Its Modified Ones, Proceedings of The 16th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division and 3rd IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Oct. 20-23, 2008, Hohai University Nanjing, China, pp.1141-1146.
15.Sui Liang Huang and Chiu-On Ng (2007), Hydraulics of submerged weirs and availability in navigational channels: Effect of Weir Sizes on Flow and Applicability, pp.701, Abstracts of Volume 2 and C2.b-167-P (pp.1-9) of 32nd Congress of IAHR, July 1-6, 2007, Venice, Italy.
16.Sui Laing Huang (2005), Effect of the Grain Size of the Yellow River Sediment on Adsorption of Cadmium Ions, Abstracts of XXXI IAHR Congress, Volume 1, p.504-506, CD-ROM, September 11-16, 2005 COEX, Seoul, Korea.
17.Jie Niu and Sui Liang Huang (2005), A Preliminary Study on Flow Visualization, Proceedings of the ISEIS 2005 Conference (Environmental Informatics), CD-ROM, July 26-28, Xiamen, China (Correspondent author).
18.S. L. Huang, Y. Jia and Sam S. Y. Wang (2004), Modified vertically-integrated 2D suspended sediment transport equation by considering secondary flows in channel bends, Environmental Hydraulics and Sustainable Water Management, edited by J. H. W. Lee and K. M. Lam, A. A. Balkema Publisher, pp.2201~2206.
3. Romuald Szymkiewicz, Suiliang Huang, Adam SZYMKIEWICZ. Introduction to Computational Engineering Hydraulics, Gdansk University of Technology Publishing House, 2016. ISBN 978-83-7348-672-0.
1.黄岁樑,孔文文,基于Logistic 方程描述的鱼食和阿特拉津共同作用对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响,环境科学研究,2018,31( 10) : 1761-1770。
2.孔文文, 黄岁樑, 刘霄, 唐婷芳子,人工湿地植物无损监测方法的建立与应用,环境工程学报, 2018(1): 356-364。
3.肖瑶, 黄岁樑, 孔凡青, 刘明喆, 李莹,基于水功能区控制单元的流域突发性水污染事件风险评价区划及其应用,灾害学, 2018(3): 222-228。
9.历军,汤翊,黄岁樑, 黄煌,张世良,蒲绒-芦苇机械混合复合材料的吸油性能,环境工程学报,2015,9,(5) : 2191-2198
10.王乙震 黄岁樑 林超 周绪申,化学品对水生动物的生态毒理学研究评述,海河水利,2015年第5期
11.严浩,黄岁樑,海河悬浮颗粒物影响阿特拉津对斑马鱼的急性毒性研究,环境科学学报2015,35,( 1) : 302-310
12.历军,汤翊,黄岁樑, 黄煌,张世良,生物质对水体油污染吸附处理的研究进展,环境污染与防治,2014,36,(10):79-88
19.徐萌,黄岁樑,基于Visual C++ 的化学品泄漏事故信息数据库,水资源与水工程学报,2012年,第23卷,第6期,10-16.
24.黄岁樑,臧常娟,杜胜蓝,吴敏,高峰,林超,郭勇,罗阳. pH、溶解氧、叶绿素a之间相关性研究 I:养殖水体。环境工程学报,2011,5(6):1201-1208.
25.黄岁樑,臧常娟,杜胜蓝,吴敏,高峰,林超,郭勇,罗阳. pH、溶解氧、叶绿素a之间相关性研究 II:非养殖水体。环境工程学报,2011,5(8):1681-1688.
27.杜胜蓝,黄岁樑,臧常娟,吴敏,高峰,林超,郭勇,罗阳.  浮游植物现存量表征指标间相关性研究 I:叶绿素a与生物量。水资源与水工程学报,2011,22(1):40-44.
28.杜胜蓝,黄岁樑,臧常娟,吴敏,高峰,林超,郭勇,罗阳.  浮游植物现存量表征指标间相关性研究II:叶绿素a与藻密度。水资源与水工程学报,2011,22(2):44-49.
29.臧常娟,黄岁樑,吴敏,杜胜蓝,高峰,林超,郭勇,罗阳. 投饵养鱼对潘家口水库围隔中浮游植物及水质的影响.环境科学学报,2011(31):525 - 532.
32.许晓伟,黄岁樑,地表水中多环芳烃迁移转化研究进展,环境科学与技术,2011,34(1): 26-33,37。
33.赵庆香,黄岁樑,杜晓燕,天津市地面沉降风险分析研究,城市公共安全,2010, 1(1):37-44。
35.韩璐,黄岁樑,罗阳.溶解氧等环境因素对Alafia 河表层沉积物磷释放影响的模拟研究. 2010,29(11):2178 - 2184.

36.吴敏,黄岁樑,文威,孙学明,杜胜蓝,臧常娟,海河干流柱状沉积物磷的分布特征及潜在释放预测,武汉大学学报(理学版),2010, 56(5):551-556。
39.黄岁樑,冲积河流重金属污染物迁移转化数值模拟控制方程及其物理意义,中国科学:技术科学,2010 ,40 (5): 525-531。
40.王俊,黄岁樑,土壤水分特征曲线模型对数值模拟非饱和渗流的影响,水动力学研究与进展,2010年,25(1): 16-22。
42.吴敏,汪雯,黄岁樑,疏浚深度和光照对海河表层沉积物氮磷释放的实验研究,农业环境科学学报, 2009年,28(7):1458-1463.
50.汤显强,李金中,李学菊,刘学功,黄岁樑,聚丙烯小球对人工湿地氮磷去除性能的优化研究[J],环境科学, 2008,29(5):1284-1288。
52.汤显强,李金中,李学菊,刘学功,黄岁樑,人工湿地填料磷去除效果的影响因素分析.[J]农业环境科学学报, 2008,27(2):748-752。
57.汤显强,黄岁樑. 人工湿地去污机理及其国内外应用现状.[J]水处理技术,2007,33(2),9-13
65.李雪梅,王祖伟,汤显强, 黄岁樑,赵庆香,重金属污染因子权重的确定及其在土壤环境质量评价中的应用[J],农业环境科学学报,2007,26(6):2281~ 2286
69.李彤,黄岁樑,周潮洪,灰色GM(1,2,M,N)在地面沉降预测中的应用[J],灾害学, 2007,22(2),56~61。
72.韩素芹,黄岁樑,边海等,天津市秋季O3浓度影响因素及相关关系研究[J],环境污染与防治。2007,29(12): 893-895。
73.黄岁樑,李海涛,海河沉积物对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯吸附行为研究[J],环境污染与防治, 2007年29卷5期, 321~324, 356。
75.李海涛, 黄岁樑,地表水中邻苯二甲酸酯的迁移转化[J],环境污染与防治,2006,28(11):853~858。
76.李彤,黄岁樑,周潮洪,刘波,地面沉降几个预测模型的讨论[J],工程地质学报,2005,13 (增刊):72-76。
77.李彤,黄岁樑,周潮洪,刘波,改进灰色模型在地面沉降中的应用[J],工程地质学报,2005,13 (增刊):77-81。


